Daria Shafie
Sales Manager
Daria Shafie was born and raised in Lafayette Hill, PA. From a young age, Shafie was influenced by her father, who owned a Persian restaurant in Center City, sparking a lifelong passion for food and hospitality. In her approach to hospitality, Shafie follows the golden rule — treat everyone with kindness and respect. Shafie prioritizes making others feel welcome and leads by example, striving to improve every day. Her areas of expertise include training, sales and service etiquette.
Outside of the restaurant industry, Shafie has a personal floral business (@DLSFlorals), loves attending electronic music festivals and traveling abroad. Shafie is the perfect fit for Sales Manager because she loves planning and coordinating events, both professionally and in her personal life. Her philosophy is clear: “Without the guest, there is no restaurant experience. That is why It’s All About The Guest.”